Sheep CS

"It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the act of getting there, which generates the greatest satisfaction"
- C.F. Gauss

Welcome to my site!

Sheep Creative Studios that's me - Marina Egner Under the pseudonym Sheep Creative Studios, I run a web space, program various software and run a blog. Below you will find further links
Schafe auf der Weide
Photo by Martin Bisof onUnsplash

My personal blog

My blog is about all kinds of things about my life. I love discovering new places - I enjoy traveling and discovering parts of this world. Apart from that, it revolves around the topic of problem solving and programming. Feel free to stop by!
Jemand schreibt an einem Laptop
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters onUnsplash

My coding projects

I love developing various software tools. This ranges from projects in C/C++ in conjunction with Arduino & Co - to smaller NPM modules for Node.js - to front and backend web applications. Below you will find my code repositories.
Code-Editor auf einem Laptop
Photo by Arnold Francisca onUnsplash